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2025 OH-factor Performer Interest Form
Performer/Group Name:
Contact Information (Contact Name, SUNY Oneonta or Hartwick email (only!), phone number, etc.)
This competition is for SUNY Oneonta and Hartwick students and alumni only. If a group all members do not have to be students or alumni but most should be.
I attest that all or a majority of performers are SUNY Oneonta and/or Hartwick students or alumni.
Short Bio (to be read by MC):
What equipment do you use?
What equipment (if any) would you require from us? (microphones, etc.)
Would you be willing to share equipment? (Including, but not limited to, amps, drum kits, etc.)
If not, would you be willing and able to bring your own larger equipment at an earlier time?
Upload a photo for yourself/your group!
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